Global Reach, Local Impact
Annual Report 2023-2024
Global Reach, Local Impact
Annual Report 2023-2024
Bloomberg Philanthropies encompasses all of Michael R. Bloomberg’s giving, including corporate, foundation, and personal philanthropy. We focus on a series of key areas: Public Health, the Arts, Education, the Environment, and Government Innovation, as well as special Founder’s Projects and a pro bono city consultancy, Bloomberg Associates.
The vast majority of the profits from Bloomberg L.P., the global financial technology, data, and media company that Mike founded in 1981, go to support the work of Bloomberg Philanthropies.
700cities where we work
$3Bannual giving in 2023
$17.4BMike Bloomberg’s lifetime giving
Our Leaders

Mike Bloomberg
Annual Letter on Philanthropy
The twin challenges of declining levels of health and education are too big for nonprofit organizations to tackle alone, but they can help lead the way. We are working to create new models that can be scaled and replicated.

Patti Harris
CEO Letter
The progress we’ve made with our partners shows that no dream is too big when we tap into the power of collaboration.
Our Programs
Our Approach
Globally, Bloomberg Philanthropies identifies pressing challenges, convenes expert partners, and tests and implements solutions that save and improve lives. Our approach is grounded in Mike Bloomberg’s experience in business, government, and philanthropy, and it guides all of our work where we:
Look for unmet needs that can be addressed with proven solutions
Remain flexible to invest boldly and quickly to maximize our impact
Rely on data and continually measure results
Identify and engage strong partners
Focus on cities to drive progress
Lead from the front and do not hesitate to address controversial issues
Utilize advocacy to accelerate change